The O.M.R. OIL MARKET REPORT APP - even in the always well informed
With the newly available innovative O.M.R. app, you are on the move always informed about the latest national and international developments and their impact on the German oil market.
The O.M.R. app offers you the opportunity trends in the international oil futures exchanges in London and New York as well as changes in the currency markets to follow promptly.
The release is based on a paid subscription.
In addition, there are further information used the know-how and decision-making, are available.
Specifically, the range of information including:
Leading indicators (expectations for the start of trading in Germany)
Petroleum exchanges (London / New York with details and graphics)
Forex (Majors with details and graphics)
Comments + News (to foreign exchange and oil futures markets and economic data)
MIPs (average import parities various products with hourly / Graphics)
Rhine freight (For HEL / DK and petrol from Rotterdam)
Prisma (Indicative pre-pricing survey for D-A-CH and storage location differences in D)
Barges + Cargoes (product prices for fob ARA and CIF NWE / Med date, even with ICE differences)
Charts (Technical indicators for the main oil futures exchanges Contracts and the EUR / USD
The O.M.R. app - mobile information for more success
Because the petroleum markets know no standstill and good decisions require a reliable source of information.